1.1.1. 引言

计算机的基本设计目的是高速处理海量数据以弥补人类算力的不足,实现的基本工作原理是使用程序控制存储程序,扩展出基本组成部分是控制器输入设备内存储器运算器输出设备。运行逻辑如下: Firstly engineer or our computers itself wrote a series of basic instruction what is also called by programming into the internal memory of computer. Every instruction generally includes two parts- the former part is opcode what indicates a number of operation that can be known and executed by computers, such as add or multiplication, the latter one is operand that represents the data needed to take part in the calculation or the address of data. when a computer runs, the controller fetches the primarily first instruction from the internal access memory, then understands the requirements of instruction through the instruction decoder and executes the applications what says that continually fetching the directed data from the internal memory to perform the specified operation and logical operation. These operation generally includes the input instructions, access instructions, operation instructions and output instructions, thus the input device knows how to accept and store the information of input into internal access memory, and the internal memory knows how to store information as the form of data and be fetched, and the logic-arithmetic unitknows how to perform specified arithmetic functions then output its outcome into the internal memory according to the operand-the address of arrangement. In the same way, finally the output device knows how to output information after being controlled by the controller, which means that the first instruction finishes its duty. Next, our computer fetches the second instruction and repeats the above steps again and again until it fetches the end instruction. It is worth mentioning that the executive speed of these instructions are incredibly too high to allow us imagine it in the physical environment well, but in the end the computer will make it right like the instruction that we wrote directly or indirectly has been instructing.

2. Main Board

or System Board、 Motherboard

2.1. main board


CPU接口 * Intel: 触电式 * AMD:针脚式

2.2. CPU( Central Processing Unit)


算术逻辑单元(Airthmetic-Logic Unit, ALU)、累加器、状态寄存器、通用寄存器.etc

控制器 指令寄存器(Instruction Register, IR )、指令译码器(Instruction decoder, ID)、程序计数器(Program Counter, PC)、时序产生器、操作控制器.etc CPU的主要性能指标 1. 主频-时钟频率 用来表示CPU运算、处理数据的速度(MHz) 2. Cache 解决CPU运算速率与主存RAM读写速率之间不匹配的矛盾,Cache会预先从速度较慢的主存中读取下一步要用的数据保存。CPU读取数据会依次从速度依次变慢,容量依次变大的L1 Cache、L2 Cache、L3 Cache和主存内进行读取。 3. 核心数与线程数 多核处理器可以在特定的时钟周期内执行更多任务,多线程处理器可以利用特殊的硬件指令把单个处理器内部的两个逻辑内核虚拟成两个物理芯片进行并行计算。 4. 64位技术 CPU的通用寄存器的数据宽度为64位,因而当满足64位处理器、64位操作系统与64位应用软件三个条件时,处理器一次可以运行64位数据,进行64位计算。 5. 指令集与扩展指令集 计算机的运行逻辑 显示了CPU依靠Instruction计算和控制系统,因此CPU在设计时必须事先规定一系列与其硬件电路相配合的指令系统(Instruction System)。这也成就了指令集提高CPU效率的地位,扩展指令集可以提高CPU处理multimedia和3D的能力。

2.3. internal memory

主存储器是一系列存储单元的集合,每一个存储单元都有唯一的标识—地址(address), Read Only Memory ROM作为只读存储器,在它里面固化有BIOS(Basic Input Output System).BIOS提供许多最低级最直接的硬件控制程序,如硬盘驱动/键盘驱动/显示器驱动等. Random Access Memory RAM又称为主存,因为一切需要执行的程序和数据都要先存入RAM中.RAM断电后写入的信息就会丢失.通常RAM指Dynamic RAM,即DRAM,因为DRAM比 Static RAM集成度高.升级历史:DRAM Synchronous DRAM Double Data Rate SDRAM DDR2 SDRAM DDR3 DDR4 内存的主要性能指标

  1. 存储容量 指一个存储器中容纳的存储单元总数,其容量越大,一次加载的数据量就越多,从而CPU从外部(?)读取数据的次数就越少.
  2. 带宽 单位时间内传输数据容量的大小,不应低于CPU的带宽
  3. 内存主频 内存所能达到的最高工作频率

2.4. Bus

微机各功能部件包括CPU内部相互传输数据的通道被称为Bus(总线),在CPU内部称为内部总线,CPU外部称为外部总线系统总线. 按总线上传输数据的不同,总线可分为: 数据总线/地址总线/控制总线.数据总线传送data,都是双向的,具体传送方向由CPU控制;地址总线传输的是CPU需要访问的内存单元地址或外部设备地址,一般单向.地址总线的宽度(总线宽度: 一次传输信息的位数)决定了寻址地址空间的大小,如寻址4GB大小的地址空间需要有32根地址总线;控制总线传输控制信号,如CPU对内存储器的中断响应信号等.1

2.5. PCI-Express


2.6. Iuput/Output Port

计算机I/O接口是CPU与外部设备之间的交换信息的连接电路,通过Bus与CPU相连,主要解决CPU与外设之间速度(数据缓冲)/时序/数据格式(格式转换)等方面的不匹配问题. USB接口 实质为Universal Serial Bus,通用串行总线,Intel的接口规范.U盘(USB flash disk)其实是用闪存作为存储介质(某种方法可以保留电位进而保留数据),采用USB接口与计算机相连的设备;移动硬盘则是采用硬盘为存储介质,采用USB接口的设备. IEEE1394接口 又称为FireWire火线接口,Apple的串行标准. [非I/O]SATA接口 Serial Advanced Technology Attachment接口,为硬盘对内存的数据线接口方式. [非I/O]HDMI接口 显卡信号向显示器的输出的接口类型之一,High Definition Multimedia Interface,高清晰度多媒体接口. 值得一提的是,输入程序和运行程序时间还有着shell程序产生缓冲区来先存储数据,等到换行后再把数据送给另一边,缓冲区的结尾是\0.

3. External Access Memory

HDD(Hard Disk Drive,磁性碟片存储)/SSD(Solid State Disk,闪存颗粒存储)/HHD(Hybrid Hard Disk,磁性硬盘+闪存)/U盘 .etc

4. Input Device

Keyboard/Mouse/Scanner/Touch Screen/OCR(Optical character Reader,光学符号阅读器)

5. Output Device

输出设备将其内部的二进制信息 数字/字符/图形图像/声音 .etc人们所能够识别的媒体信息.

5.1. 1.Display Device/Printer

将来自Graphics Card的电信号 人类可识别的媒体信息,根据发光组件不同,有由Liquid Crystal组成的LCD,和半导体发光二极管(Light-Emitting Diode)组成的LED,以及Organic LED.

5.2. Graphics Card

显卡由GPU(Graphic Processing Unit)/显存/显卡BIOS/显卡接口 .etc组成.所以GPU不是显卡.

6. Reference

  1. 阎毅. 信息科学技术导论[M]. 西安电子科技大学出版社, 2014.