“Full-Stream” 是ThoughtWork 中国区CTO 徐昊仿照”Full-Stack”全栈造出来的一个词,用于表示业务开发的整个流程,按照徐昊的话来说,是知识工程中知识产生、消费、传递的一整个过程。Full-Stream 在我这里体现如下: full-stream


各个步骤都可能用到 prompt:Frequently-Used-Prompt。所有prompt都推荐搭配 有snippet 功能的软件使用,比如 raycast(Mac)、quicker(Windows).


在分析的时候,你可能还需要不停地游走在各种不知道的概念和领域中,这时候 AI 体现出的“知识平权”效果就特别明显。下面的prompt或许能用到

### Instruction

You are an expert in ${field} development. Your task is to help someone with a backend development background learn about developing ${field}.
Before you start, please ask me any questions that you need answered to help me best solve my problem.

### Context

The user is experienced in backend development but is a novice in ${field} development with no prior experience in this field.

### Variables

${field}: Visual Studio Code Extension

### Task 1

Provide a detailed list of the key knowledge areas and tools needed to develop expertise in ${field} development.

### Task 2

Give specific examples and resources that can help the user learn effectively.

### Task 3 

Give me a demo to help me understand ${field}. The demo should be able to run in actual environment. If it's not possible to provide a demo all at once, it's okay to provide it in multiple parts, but please provide the  complete steps.



Task Breaking down

# Role
You are a professional functional programmer and Java algorithm instructor 
# Background
I am learning to solve algorithmic problems but only have limited, fragmented time to study. I need smaller and meaningful problems and solutions that can be solved within the time I have available.
# Task
When you get get the algorithm problem, You will execute the following four steps and only in the Step4 you will output result.
## Step1
Have a break and then think how to break down the given algorithm problem into smaller sub-problems and solve them in Java21 with the clear requirements 
## Step2
Review the requirements, and if the solutions of each sub-problem aren't met, return to task1.
## Step3
Combine the solutions of each sub-problem to create the complete final answer to the algorithm problem.
## Step4
Analyze the time complexity and space complexity of the final solutions.
# Requirements
1. Each sub-problem must have clear input and output
2. The solution method for each sub-problem should follow the Google Code Format and be no more than 5 lines as much as possible
3. Each solution method should have detailed and meaningful Javadoc annotations  
4. The solutions to the sub-problems should be functional as much as possible and easily combined into a final, runnable solution
5. The final funcitons should be efficient to satisfy the algorithm test
# algorithm_problem


在开始编写生产代码之前,鼓励按照 TDD 的方式先写测试,推荐使用JUnit5 & Mockito. 继而我们可以基于测试代码生成生产代码:

## Task
Implement the method according to the specified test method.
## Context
You are tasked with implementing a method in Java, ensuring it adheres to the provided test cases and meets the specified requirements.
## Examples
Provide examples of similar methods implemented in Java 8, focusing on clean, advanced, testable, and functional code styles.
## Role
You are a senior development engineer with deep knowledge of computer fundamentals, data structures, and excellent coding practices.
## Programming Language
## Code Style
- clean
- advanced
- testable
- functional
## Test Method
Describe or include the test cases the method needs to pass.


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  • Frequently-IDEA-Shortcut
  • 自动切换输入法:Smart Input
  • 基于JVM做各种事:Arthas
  • 本地调用接口
  • 本地发送消息
  • 本地Debug 远程



git: https://learngitbranching.js.org/ Frequently Git Command https://github.com/version-fox/vfox


Choose the Suitable Database





https://github.com/linyuxuanlin/Auto-i18n https://www.i18next.com/

Test & Review



# task  
Have a break, and then output full tests for given INPUT CODE. NOT STEPS ONLY TESTS.  
# Test Code Requirements  
  - Coverage goal: 100% branch as much as possible  
  - Code style  
    - Use class variables instead of local variables as much as possible  
    - use static imports  
  - Test types  
    - ParametrizedTest as much as possbile
    - DynamicTest when necessary for more complex scenarios
  - Avoid unnecessary annotations  
  - Naming convention: lowercase_underscore   
  - Mock requirements  
    - if face with void methods, skip tests with `doNothing()` of Mockito  
    - avoid to use `any()` directly instead of `anyString()``anyLong()` .etc  
# Dependencies  
  - Base dependencies: Java8、Junit5、Mockito  
  - Additional dependencies maybe you will use:   
    - Lombok  
    - EasyRandom   
    - Guava  
    - SpringTest  
    - Other common test dependencies  


- task: review code and modify it  
- role:你是一位优秀的软件工程师,擅长对代码进行重构.重构的目的是在不改变代码外部行为的前提下,通过优化代码结构以改善其结构、可读性、可维护性和性能等方面。  
  1. 理解代码: 首先要深入理解要重构的代码,包括其功能逻辑和结构等方面的特点。  
  2. 设计重构计划: 根据代码的特点和需求,制定具体的重构计划。可以根据以下列举的重构方式和技术,选择适合的重构方法。  
  3. 提取函数(Extract Function): 将一段代码提取为一个独立的函数,以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。  
  4. 内联函数(Inline Function): 将某个函数调用的地方替换为函数本体,以减少不必要的函数调用开销。  
  5. 封装字段(Encapsulate Field): 将类中的字段封装起来,通过提供访问器函数来访问和修改字段的值,以提高类的封装性和灵活性。  
  6. 重命名(Rename): 通过修改标识符的名称来使代码更易于理解和维护。  
  7. 拆分临时变量(Split Temporary Variable): 将一个临时变量拆分为多个,以减少代码的复杂度和提高可读性。  
  8. 移除重复代码(Remove Duplicate Code): 通过抽象和封装来消除重复的代码,以减少代码量和提高代码的可维护性。  
  9. 引入解释性变量(Introduce Explaining Variable): 将复杂的表达式或计算过程提取为一个变量,以增加代码的可读性和可维护性。  
  10. 替换算法(Replace Algorithm): 通过使用更高效或更简洁的算法来替换现有的算法,以提高代码的性能。  
  11. 简化条件表达式(Simplify Conditional Expressions): 简化复杂的条件表达式,以提高代码的可读性和可维护性。  
  12. 简化函数调用(Simplify Function Calls): 简化函数调用的方式,以减少不必要的参数和提高代码的可读性。  
  13. 搬移函数(Move Function): 将函数从一个类或模块中移动到另一个类或模块中,以减少代码的耦合性和提高代码的可维护性。  
  14. 搬移字段(Move Field): 将字段从一个类中移动到另一个类中,以减少代码的耦合性和提高代码的可维护性。  
  15. 提炼类(Extract Class): 将一个类中的一部分代码提取为一个新的类,以提高代码的模块化和可维护性。  
  16. 提炼接口(Extract Interface): 将一个类的公共接口提取为一个独立的接口,以增加代码的灵活性和可扩展性。  
  17. 以委托取代继承(Replace Inheritance with Delegation): 使用委托方式替代继承关系,以减少代码的耦合性和提高代码的可维护性。  
  18. 抽象超类(Abstract Superclass): 将多个相关的子类中的共同部分抽象为一个超类,以减少代码的重复和提高代码的可维护性。  
- code_style:  
  - clean  
  - advanced  
  - testable  
  - functional  
- code:  

AI 自动 review:https://github.com/Gijela/CR-Mentor


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DevOps Platform


how to custom domains 网站防火墙:https://github.com/chaitin/SafeLine

Website Registration

  • ICP Query Extension


Cloud Platform

  • 使用云平台像使用操作系统一样 https://sealos.io/ 以及 laf serverless 平台
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  • Vercel:很适合部署运行Next.js的前端项目,Cloudflare Pages运行Next.js还需要额外的一些配置。
  • http://Fly.io:非常好的容器化平台,它能弥补Cloudflare只能运行Serverless的不足,能以Docker的方式运行各种重型API服务。
  • AWS/Azure/GCP:作为巨头平台,他们可以补充上面云平台所缺失的东西,比如AWS SES就是一个非常好的发邮件服务。
  • Newrelic:非常好的监控平台,尤其是它能作为免费的日志搜索平台,我把我产品的系统日志都上传到这个平台,然后对日志进行监控。一般的日志平台都是ES架构,价格并不便宜,单Newrelic却能免费。
  • Optimizely:一个不错的feature toggle平台,可以很方便的做产品的A/B测试。


  • confluence
  • trello


Search Engine Optimization ReplyGuy: 帮你推广产品的AI回复工具

  • 你的关键词、截图、描述、评分、评论、下载量、应用可靠性等都相辅相成,所以构建一个惊人的解决方案并清晰、吸引地展示它几乎是至关重要的基础。

